The class is working with equations and have to remember these 5 points or guidelines:
  1. There is an = sign (expressions don't)
  2. LHS = RHS (balancing strategy)
  3. to solve for x, isolate it (make it the subject)
  4. use inverse or opposite operations to help isolate x
  5. during, check using points above; after, check by substitution
These points are revised in every lesson. The idea is that if they stick to these points, they can solve any type of equation: 1-step, 2-step, x on both sides, equations with fractions and directed numbers and grouping symbols.

Students have had a chance to practice using computers - see Interactives page as well as on paper. This is critical to increase proficiency in solving equations. 

At the end of Term 1, we had a brainstorming activity to list some strategies on how to improve our maths. Working in groups, students listed strategies pertaining to Homework, Assessment preparation and Class Behaviour. Here's what the students came up with:

  • Practice, practice, practice
  • Revise topics on notes or textbook
  • Self-correct - learn from mistakes
  • Seek help - class buddy, parent, teacher, Munch (Maths at Lunch)
Assessment Preparation

  • Space out time for study
  • Work on weaknesses, e.g. re-do exercises you found hard
  • Seek help  (see above)
  • Do the Practice tests
  • Revise topics on notes or textbook

In-class Behaviour
  • Put hand up to ask if you don't understand
  • No unnecessary talking
  • Take notes